Monday, April 20, 2020

Signs of Solidarity

   Last week, I was walking Milo  and  saw this sign. 

 Then a couple days ago,  Milo and I were walking by again  and  saw  this  one. 

On my way upto Waco this morning, I was listening to some radio program on KUT  that was reporting that the social distancing in Austin is  working.   Leaving aside the protesters at the capital, it does seem that Austin is taking the coronavirus quarantine seriously.    I really did feel heartened by these  signs  of solidarity and it struck me that the  neighbors are practicing 1.33

maitrī karuṇā-muditopekṣāṇāṁ sukha-duḥkha-puṇyāpuṇya-viṣayāṇāṁ bhāvanātaś citta-prasādanam

Through cultivation of friendliness, compassion, joy, and indifference to pleasure and pain, virtue and vice respectively, the consciousness becomes favorably disposed, serene and benevolent. (I)
By cultivating an attitude of friendship toward those who are happy, compassion toward those in distress, joy toward those who are virtuous, and equanimity toward those who are non-virtuous, lucidity arises in the mind (B).

 Hot  weather is  coming, but it is another beautiful and breezy day  up here on Dad's back porch.  I did have to put on some bug spray, but well worth it to enjoy the peaceful serenity of nature.  Which corresponds  well  to  the  last of the ORs,  the whatever works  sutra.

yathābhimata-dhyānād vā

Or, by meditating on any desired object conducive to steadiness of consciousness. (I)
Or [steadiness of the mind is attained] from meditation upon anything of one’s inclination. (B)

 This is the first weekend of quarantine that really felt like a weekend to me.  I think it has something to do with the new schedule of spending the first part of the week in  Waco, but also  last week was so meeting and computer time intensive  that  it was quite noticeable not having those commitments. 

Got to go on three long walks with Dante and Jeff.   We watched some movies  and I really am going into this new week of quarantine feeling somewhat rested and refreshed. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Getting ready to teach online.

Yesterday, Christina and I were working our way through a backbending sequence of Abhi's  which was pretty fun. Tamara takes good notes and it is a nice way to spend some time together remotely  reading through and practicing  the sequences together.   About mid way through, I got an email telling me about receiving the Master Teacher Award.  (I had actually thought I did not  get it for the past couple days) and so finding out I did was all the more exciting.  And a good lesson in managing emotions.  Then after practice, I went out to the mail box and there the letter was waiting for me. 

In my first year of teaching at  Baylor  (1993),  I got to see then chair of the Philosophy Department  Robert Baird receive the Master Teacher Award.  He was in the third group of faculty to get the award.  It started in 1982.   I have to say that moment and his teaching excellence inspired me to strive to be the best teacher I could be.  Twenty six years later, I am  still  working to become the best teacher I can be

It is bizarre timing given the next phase of my Baylor teaching life is about to start.  Teaching online.  I have very minimal goals.  I hope the technology works and the majority of us  can at least hear each other. 


Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Sequence for today

The David Meloni workshop was  fantastic.   There's a lot I want to write about it, but don't  have time right now.   Suffice to say that  he was the embodiment of

sthira-sukham āsanam

Asana is perfect firmness of body, steadiness of intelligence and benevolence of spirit. (I)
Asana should be steady and comfortable. (B)

Perfection in an asana is achieved when the effort to perform it becomes effortless and the infinite being within is reached.
[Such posture  should be attained] by the relaxation of effort and by absorption in the infinite (B).

and also


sa tu dīrgha-kala-nairantarya-satkārāsevito dṛḍa-bhūmiḥ

Long, uninterrupted, alert practice is the firm foundation for restraining the fluctuations. (I)
Practice becomes firmly established when it has been cultivated uninterruptedly and with devotion over a prolonged period of time. (B)

It worked out well to go for Saturday and Sunday in terms of the overall obligations of my life.  

Here it is back with the normal Tuesday things.  Teaching at the Castle and off to Baylor until thursday evening. 

Supta pad  working with   dandasana foot in  supta pad three. 
Parvsa  Utthita Hasta
Various rope things
grill one
grill two
shoulder thing on the floor
Karuna  teaching  Baddha Hastasana Sirsasana'
Chair dwi pada  since  chairs will be out.  
some padmasana work
Sarvangasana to urdhva Padmasana 