Yesterday, Christina and I were working our way through a backbending sequence of Abhi's which was pretty fun. Tamara takes good notes and it is a nice way to spend some time together remotely reading through and practicing the sequences together. About mid way through, I got an email telling me about receiving the Master Teacher Award. (I had actually thought I did not get it for the past couple days) and so finding out I did was all the more exciting. And a good lesson in managing emotions. Then after practice, I went out to the mail box and there the letter was waiting for me.
In my first year of teaching at Baylor (1993), I got to see then chair of the Philosophy Department Robert Baird receive the Master Teacher Award. He was in the third group of faculty to get the award. It started in 1982. I have to say that moment and his teaching excellence inspired me to strive to be the best teacher I could be. Twenty six years later, I am still working to become the best teacher I can be
It is bizarre timing given the next phase of my Baylor teaching life is about to start. Teaching online. I have very minimal goals. I hope the technology works and the majority of us can at least hear each other.