Monday, September 26, 2011

Class this week

Hi Everyone,

We'll spend Tuesday working on  poses that teach the basics of shoulderstand.

Thursday, I have a meeting that will cause me to be a bit late for class. We will start at  4 and I will teach you the basics of supine pranayama. 

We'll start our discussion of the eight limbs of  yoga  as we go along this week  but will really focus on it next tuesday.

Keep up the good work. Looking forward to tomorrow. 


  1. I really loved class on Thursday. The supine pranayama were really relaxing. I definitely thought more about my breathing after doing supine pranayama. For example, when we were doing assisted downward facing dog, I actually thought about my breath. I think my breathing was a bit deeper and longer. I've noticed that I take many short, shallow breaths. I would love to be able to change that into the longer, deeper kinds.

  2. thanks for the good feedback Melissa. It is amazing how just watching the breathing process, changes the breathing process.
